MBA - Master of Business AdministrationA successful business person in today's ever-changing global business environment must possess certain skills: a solid knowledge of business subjects, leadership, ability to work with and in teams, a clear understanding of corporate social responsibility and ethical conduct, mastery of new technologies, and a vision of their impact in the business environment. If you wish to acquire these skills, then an MBA from SMBS is for you. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a degree designed to equip its graduates for managerial success in all types of organizations. By keeping class sizes small, the program is able to emphasize communication and interpersonal skills, as well as the conceptual and technical skills critical to managerial careers. Prerequisite: Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. Program Duration: 1 year Students graduating from an MBA program find careers in mid to high-level management positions in the business world and public sector. A significant percentage of MBA graduates become successful entrepreneurs. MBA graduates are in demand wherever leadership qualities, interpersonal skills, understanding of the business world, and problem solving skills are required. In other words, MBA skills are essential in practically every industry and most branches of the public sector. BBA – Bachelor of Business AdministrationThe Swiss Montreux Business School BBA degree is designed to provide students with the business and management skills necessary to become effective leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs in today's competitive economy. The degree prepares students to function effectively in complex organizations, small to medium enterprises or the public sector. The Business Administration Program offers a professional education geared towards the market. It focuses on beginning a career in business, administration, and towards pursuing further qualifications in the field. Program Duration: 3 years Students graduating from a BBA program find careers in the business world and public sector as managers, entrepreneurs or subject experts in domains such as finance, marketing or human management. |